Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Krause, R. M., Fatemi, S. M., Nguyen Long, L. A., Arnold, G., & Hofmeyer, S. L. (2023). What is the Future of Survey-Based Data Collection for Local Government Research? Trends, Strategies, and Recommendations. Urban Affairs Review, 107808742311758.

Long, L. A. N., Krause, R. M., Arnold, G., Swanson, R., & Fatemi, S. M. (2023). The networked micro-decision context: A new lens on transformative urban governance. Urban Transform, 5(9).

Working Papers

Does Decision-maker Diversity, Trust, and Policy Entrepreneurship matter when steering transformative urban climate governance?

Policy Entrepreneurship for Transformative Governance

Are city governments with more transformative capacity more likely to adopt ambitious climate policies? 

Information Processing: What shapes why city governments change their preparation practices for environmental hazards?